The Knights Templar were legendary Christian warriors. By order of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, these valiant men occupied the Temple Mount during the Crusades to purge the Holy Land from jihadi invaders. Heavily armed and ferocious in battle, they were employed as shock troops to confront and bloody the nose of their enemies before the main army struck. At the Battle of Montgisard, 500 Templars with several thousand infantry utterly destroyed 27,000 of the jihadi warlord Saladin's troops. The Templars made the Holy Land safe for God-fearing pilgrims and peaceful citizens. Eventually, support for the Crusades waned. Rumors circulated that the Templars had become corrupt, that they took up the pagan practices recorded in the library of the palace. In 1312 AD, Pope Clement officially dissolved the order. Dozens were burned at the stake for idolatry.
Templar Fidelis is created in the spirit of a faithful Templar-- one who is dedicated to serve God with all his heart, mind, soul, and strength. This is a study of works related to the classics and classical education. Secondarily, this blog refers to other topics related my walk of faith with Jesus Christ.
I am a reformed Christian, a social studies teacher, a patriotic citizen of the USA, a musician, and a martial artist. Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.
E-Mail: templarfidelis@tutanota.com