As part of my daily meditation on the Lord's Prayer, I recalled a sermon I had heard about the names of God in the Bible. I found a list at Drawing from their list, I categorized them to make them easier to memorize.
As I meditate on them, I'll continue to add notes here about what these names tell us about the God of Israel.
5- Yahweh “I am”
6- El Olam “The Everlasting God” Unchanging
7- Yahweh Tsidkenu “The Lord our Righteousness”
8- Yahweh Elohim Israel “The Lord, the God of Israel”
1- Elohim, “The Strong One” Creation
"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." Hebrews 3:4
2- El Shaddai “God Almighty” Protection
3- Yahweh Nissi “The Lord is my Banner”
4- Yahweh Sabbaoth “The Lord of Hosts”
9- Yahweh Ro’I “The Lord my Shepherd”
10- Yahweh Jireh “The Lord will provide”
11- Yahweh Shalom “The Lord Is Peace”
12- Yahweh Maccaddeshcem “The Lord your Sanctifier”
13- Yahweh Shammah “The Lord is there”